Layout: Column Flow

Column Flow controls whether the names in a multi-column block will be arranged horizontally or vertically.

Column Flow doesn't alphabetize

The names in the example above are in alphabetical order for the sake of clarity, but Column Flow does not alphabetize names. It will continue to follow the order specified in your project's Google Sheet.

 Column Flow: Horizontal

Horizontal column flow lays out your names from left to right in the order they were entered in your Google Sheet. This is our preferred column flow for a couple of reasons:

  • As the names scroll up, you will see the "top billed" ones first.
  • In our alphabetized example above, the first names to scroll up will be the ones starting with A, B, and C.
  • With horizontal column flow, you can also use the handy Balance Columns feature to make your block nice and symmetrical.

 Column Flow: Vertical

Vertical column flow lays out your names top-to-bottom. It's a valid stylistic choice, but please note:

  • As the names scroll up, you will not see the "top billed" names first.
  • Instead, in our alphabetized example above, the first names to scroll up will be the those starting with A, J, and S; followed by B, K, and T, and so on.
  • The useful Balance Columns feature isn't available for Vertical column flow.
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